Friday 3 February 2012

Task 01

Task: Research into four different Illustrators

1. Lilttle blue and Little Yellow

Leo Lionni

Use of colour to imagine that they are kids playing. Teaches them about hoe color works.

2. Busy As A Bee

Sue Heap

Communicates about the differences of big and small or fast and slow, and the illustrations are drawn in relation to whats fast or what is big.

3. Greedy Zebra
Mwenye Hadithi

Strange illustrations but communicates suspense of the main character, you won't see it until the end of the story where as it was in front of you a few pages back but not coloured like it showed on the fromt page.

4. The Highwayman

Alfred Knowles
Charles Keeping

This targets the older audience, as there is blood inthis but is still considered a children's book. There's no colour and the story creates a slighlty dark, sinister and at times a slightly scary atmosphere.

Favourite Illustrator

1. These children books all have their own unique illustrations and communications to the audience that the illustrators target. However I think my favourite has to be the lilttle blue and lilttle yellow book because, of it's unique way of using colours as characters.

2. The art style has it's way of educating the audience as well as telling a story of the characters. The illustrator chooses colours to act as one of the characters. The best thing about it is that it educates the children about how colours are used and what happens when in this case blue and yellow are mixed together to create a green colour but, at the same time, he adds the story to it on why the two colours of blue and yellow are mixed.

His latest book is 'Tille and the Wall' published in 1991. It's teaches about team work, or working with others to slove a problem and it also creates suspense becuase, the audience reads to see what happens next. The book is about a mouse named Tille had always wondered what lies across the wall where she discovers that other mice are on the other side, Tille and the other mice work togeather to bring down the wall.

3. In my estimation, the age of this book ranges between 2-4 year olds because, this teaches about how colour works and children at a young age are taught in nuseries and 1st year of primary schoos about how colour works for example, they are given colouring books and use their own imagination and choose their own colours to paint or draw an illustration.

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